
a blue wall with a hole in it and a pile of wood .

Wildlife Damage Repair

A blue wall with a hole in it and a pile of wood next to it.

Wildlife Damage Repair

When you've encountered difficulties with wildlife on your property, there is much more to consider beyond the actual removal of the offending animal(s). The work is only partly done once the wildlife is gone. In the wake of such an occurrence, clean-up and repair become an essential and vitally important consideration.

When invasive animals have entered your space, they leave their mark somehow. In some cases, this is physical damage to landscapes and structures that needs to be repaired or replaced to prevent injuries and future invasions. Biological contamination may be less visible in other cases, but it is no less of a threat unless removed. This kind of contamination creates health concerns, but it also may leave an invisible scent marker for animals to follow back to your home in the future.


The Potential Hazards Left Behind By Nuisance Animals

Animals leave tears, holes, cracks, and voids when they invade a home. These breaches may be big or small and visible or concealed. A careful and systematic inspection of your home and its surrounding area is necessary, including interior locations like your foundation, attic, basement, crawlspaces, vents, and other places. Exterior areas requiring inspection include patio areas, decks, fences, wiring, pipes, etc.


In addition to assessing structural damages, you must also be on the alert for those contaminants referenced above. This includes urine and feces, dead animal carcasses, nesting debris, food debris, fur, and other foreign materials that an animal may have introduced into your home and landscape. It is also essential to check for parasites (fleas and ticks) that may have accompanied the animal(s). Of these biological concerns, animal waste is the most common and may also be the most dangerous—perhaps even more so than the animal's presence. Animal feces is a breeding ground for numerous bacteria and spores and can quickly saturate drywall and insulation.


When ingested, it can cause serious illnesses (such as salmonellosis, often spread by small rodents) and parasitic infections (such as roundworm, often associated with raccoons). Furthermore, some of these contagions may become airborne and spread throughout your home via your HVAC system (such as histoplasmosis, a serious concern with bats).

No matter what kinds of hazards are left behind, they threaten the health and well-being of you and your family. Wildlife repair and clean-up after an invasion are fundamentally necessary—and it is a job that many homeowners are ill-equipped and ill-prepared to deal with.


Why Professional Help Is Your Best Option

It can be dangerous and physically demanding work not meant for the average homeowner. Professional assistance can be an invaluable service in these circumstances. A pro knows what and where to look when dealing with the aftermath of an invasion and has the training and the right equipment, including special tools, products, and personal protective wear, that can be required to get the job done right.


Matt's Animal Control is your go-to, most trusted professional in the Miami Valley regarding wildlife removal and the ensuing repair and cleaning needed afterward. We don't just get rid of the animal for you; we fix, replace, clean, and sterilize. And if we cannot make a specific repair ourselves, we'll provide the guidance, recommendations, and referrals to ensure your needs are handled. We are ready to help.

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